The Activation Tour Kicks Off in 3 Weeks!
Join us on the road this fall!

Hello friends,
We are less than 3 weeks from the kickoff of The Activation Tour! This is my first tour of the United States since 2018 when we held the 54 stop Liberate Your Mind Tour! The Liberate Your Mind Tour was the successor to the 2017 Decentralize Your Life Tour.
Both of these tours were focused on promoting decentralization, Freedom Cells, meditation, Holistic Activism, and many more solutions. At that time I was focused on promoting these ideas as a way to AVOID the oncoming tyranny and restriction of liberty. I believe we were successful in many ways. We met a number of lovely people around the country who were equally interested in solutions, growing their own food, cryptocurrency, and spiritual healing.
Now, here we are in 2021, and the concepts we promoted in 2017 and 2018 are more important than ever! For one, the Freedom Cells concept has grown exponentially in 2020 and 2021! We went from a couple thousands people on the website to over 23,000 from different parts of the world. What a humbling feeling to see people from different cultures apply the concept and bring it to life.
That's why I am excited about The Activation Tour! We are going to seize the momentum from the growth of The Freedom Cell Network, The Greater Reset Activation, and the pushback against COVID19 lockdowns and tyrannical measures.
Unfortunately, because of those lockdowns and measures - and now the rollout of vaccine passports - the tour we are planning might be difficult to accomplish. Some of the cities we are planning to visit (NYC, San Francisco) are already rolling out proof of vaccine for entering indoor venues. This is a chilling reminder of what we are fighting, why we are doing this tour, and how quickly we are facing these troubling measures.
So, my friends, to finish this tour I am going to need your help. Please visit the tour schedule to see which cities we are going to need more volunteer help to find local venues and volunteer opportunities for our Community Action Days.
If you want to volunteer to help us make one of the stops happen, contact us at with the Subject "Tour".
Thanks for the support, see you on the road!
- Derrick Broze & Miriam Gomez