The Activation Tour Week 2 Wrap Up!

Miriam and I are so grateful for everyone who has been supporting us on the tour. It's been a busy whirlwind of meeting amazing people, promoting solutions, receiving gifts and hugs, and generally - feeling thankful to be alive and collaborating with YOU on building a better world! We couldn't this without you.
We wanted to thank everyone in Portland and Seattle for welcoming us to town. In Portland we had a great turnout for our main event and Community Action Day. We hit the streets and passed out info relating to vaccine passports while marching through the streets of the city. We had some angry folks, but overall, lots of support! More than 100 people turned out to show their support and express their voices.
In Seattle our Community Action Day was a park cleanup. With only 15 people we cleaned up a park, removing several bags of trash, tires, and other waste from the space where kids and families play. With community it's easy to get a lot done! In the evening held our event at the Heart Awakening Center with 90 plus people! The crowd was electric and we were stoked to be welcomed with open arms. It was a very powerful night with hugs, smiles, ideas exchanged, and many seeds planted. We look forward to returning to see how many of those seeds fruit into real world action!
Thanks again for the support while we travel the country sharing this message of activation!
- Derrick and Miriam